Are you looking how to create an online store?

Ecommerce has become a popular way for businesses to reach customers and sell products worldwide. With the rise of online shopping and the convenience it offers consumers, it’s no surprise that ecommerce is a highly profitable to create an online store

Are you looking for how to create an online store but need help figuring out where to start? This comprehensive guide takes you through how to start a successful online store. By the end of this article, You will know how to build an online store from scratch e.g. you will be able to choose a niche and target market, set up your online store, optimize your ecommerce website to increase sales and analyze performance. If you need help building an eCommerce website, we are here to help you. So let’s get started!

1. Identify the target audience for your online store

Choosing a niche and target market is one of the essential steps in creating a profitable online store. A niche is a market segment that you will target to get customers. The right niche targets a specific group of customers

A niche that is too wide makes it difficult to stand out from the competition, while a niche that is too narrow may not have enough potential customers to support your business.

To research and define your target market, you can start by looking at your interests and passions.

You can also use Google Trends and Keyword Planner to see what people are searching for and identify potential niche markets.


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Additionally, you can conduct surveys and interviews with potential customers to gather feedback and better understand their needs and preferences.

how to create an online store

Once you have identified a niche and target market, you can tailor your products, services and marketing efforts to meet your target audience’s needs and preferences. Doing this increases the chances of how to start a successful online store.

When searching for how to create an online store, the right niche and target market will give you a clear direction and a solid foundation for your ecommerce business.

2. Choose the best ecommerce platform

Setting up an online store website is a significant step to starting a successful online store. There are many eCommerce platforms available with different sets of features. Some popular options include Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento and WordPress.


A platform for small and medium-sized businesses. It’s easy to use with a wide range of features. Also, it has a large app store, where you can find additional online store functionality.

How to create an online store


on the other hand, is a free- open-source platform built on top of WordPress, which is known for its flexibility and scalability. It’s an excellent option for businesses that want more control over their website.

Magento is a more robust and flexible option; it is more suitable for enterprise-level businesses.


A widely popular content management system (CMS) that can help how to build an online store from scratch. With the help of the WooCommerce plugin, you can easily create an online store on WordPress with a lot of flexibility and scalability. You can choose from thousands of themes and plugins to enhance your online store functionality.

When choosing the best platform for how to create an online store, it’s important to consider your specific needs and requirements.

A platform like Shopify might be the best choice if you’re starting and don’t have technical expertise.

If you’re looking for more control over your website and have a developer on staff, WooCommerce or Magento might be a better fit. WordPress with WooCommerce can be a great option for those looking for a powerful and flexible online store website.

how to create an online store

looking how to start a successful online store, Jeycom has experience with all the platforms mentioned above and can help you choose the best option for your business. We can also guide you through setting up your website. By working with our team, you can have a professional-looking website that is well-optimized for conversions, and you can focus on running your business while we take care of your website.

3. Optimize your ecommerce website for conversions

Optimizing for conversions is crucial for increasing website visitors. You can optimize your online store by creating compelling product pages & checkout flows, using persuasive design elements such as calls to action and trust badges.

Regarding product pages, it’s important to include high-quality images and detailed product descriptions. Doing that gives customers a clear idea of what they’re buying and increases their confidence in making a purchase. On how to create an online store, Including customer reviews and ratings can also be a powerful tool for boosting conversions.

Another factor to consider for how to build an online store from scratch is  Checkout flows. Checkout flows are important for optimizing online stores to increase sales. You make the process as simple as possible by minimizing the number of steps required to complete a purchase. Also, you provide clear and concise instructions throughout the process.

Another important aspect of optimization is using persuasive design elements. For example, adding calls to action, such as “buy now” buttons, and trust badges, such as secure checkout logos. These elements lead to more sales.

4. Marketing and promoting your online store.

When planning how to start a successful online store remember to add Marketing and promotion strategies. These are crucial for driving traffic to your website and building a strong brand.

There are various marketing channels for the online stores such as social media, email marketing, and SEO

Social media is a great way to connect with potential customers and build a community around your brand. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can be used to create engaging content and run targeted advertising campaigns.

When planning how to create an online store, Email marketing is another powerful tool for reaching potential customers. By collecting email addresses from website visitors, you can create email campaigns that promote new products, offer special deals, and provide helpful content.

how to create an online store

Search engine optimization (SEO) is important for marketing online stores. It includes optimizing your website for search engines such as Google and Bing. Using relevant keywords and meta tags helps drive organic traffic to your website.

Additionally, it’s important to focus on building a strong brand by creating a visual identity, such as a logo and color scheme.

5. Plan on fulfillment and logistics

Fulfillment and logistics play a crucial role in the success of online store business. Different fulfillment options are available for eCommerce businesses, e.g. dropshipping and in-house fulfillment.

Dropshipping involves working with a supplier who handles the storage and shipping of products, while in-house fulfillment involves handling these tasks yourself.
When choosing a fulfillment option, it’s important to consider many factors such as cost, delivery speed and security. For example, dropshipping can be a cost-effective option, but you may not have much control.

On the other hand, in-house fulfillment can give you more control over the process, but it can be more expensive. On top of that, you have to manage inventory and shipping effectively. You have to keep track of stock levels and place orders with suppliers on time. Also, ensure products are packaged and shipped to protect them during transport.

how to create an online store

6. Analyzing the performance of your online store

Analyzing performance is key to understanding how your business is performing and identifying areas for improvement. You can analyze by tracking key metrics such as website traffic, conversion rate, and customer lifetime value.

You track website traffic using tools like Google Analytics, which provides detailed information on the number of visitors to your website, where they came from, and what pages they viewed. Looking at the percentage of website visitors who make a purchase can track conversion rates.

When planning how to start a successful online store, consider ways to be analyzing your website.

Use data analysis tools to identify patterns and trends in your data and make more informed decisions to improve your business.


In conclusion, how to create an online store, the above process involves choosing the right niche & target market, building an optimized online store website, implementing effective marketing strategy, promotion, fulfillment and logistics strategies.

Following the steps outlined in this guide, you can now understand how to build an online store from scratch.

how to create an online store

However, building an ecommerce or online store website can be hard since it requires technical expertise. Jeycom is a professional ecommerce website developer with the skills and experience needed to guide you through the entire process of creating a successful online store.

We help you choose the right platform, and create a user-friendly professional ecommerce website. If you need help creating an online store, feel free to contact